Who Are We?
Adullam Institute is a leadership development and nation building institute that caters to biblical leadership development in nations, cities, and sectors of society based on the Abrahamic and Davidic patterns.
In 1 Samuel 22:1-2, at Adullam, four hundred men gathered around David. They became the builders of the first Kingdom community on earth after Eden. They became leaders of sectors of the first fully fledged Israeli nation while David became the King (1 Samuel 22:1-5). Adullam Institute honours these biblical nation builders, highlighting their ethics, principles, and values to nations of the world and to the unborn generations.
In keeping with this pattern, Adullam Institute trains leaders for nation-building in various sectors with a biblical Kingdom foundation. Adullam Institute attracts students from the world over, particularly from developing and underdeveloped nations, to take scheduled courses both virtual and actual from the Institute.